Serendipity Restaurant! Rare Waterfront Opportunity !
Serendipity an Established Family Owned Restaurant in Historic Oak Orchard. Owner is Retiring after 20 + years. Do Not Miss this Unique ...
Discover Italy in Every Bite at this Beloved Italian Restaurant
This Italian gem in the heart of Wilmington, DE, invites diners to enjoy authentic Italian cuisine with a warm, welcoming atmosphere that keeps customers...
Pizzeria / Take Out Window/ Delivery With Real Estate
Wilmington, DE
PIZZERIA, Take Out, Delivery, Catering and the real Estate. Sale Includes: Business,...
Well-Established Italian and Pizza Restaurant for Sale!
Wilmington, DE
Are you passionate about Italian cuisine and looking to own a successful, turnkey...
High Volume Sit-Down/Takeout/Delivery Pizza Restaurant - Bear, DE
Bear, DE
Here's your chance to own a highly successful, highly profitable restaurant featuring an...
Neighborhood Restaurant with Real Estate for Sale
New Castle County, DE
Opportunity to purchase an existing pizzeria/Italian restaurant in a heavy traffic,...
Very Successful Family Owned Italian Restaurant for Sale!
Wilmington, DE
This award-winning restaurant is known for their signature cocktails, homemade pasta and...
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