Established Restaurant Business For Sale
Newark, DE
Established Restaurant business for sale at 1422/1424 Pulaski Highway, Newark De 19702. Has second separate store that is included in the sale, great passive...
Burger King Franchise - 6 Store Package
New Castle County, DE
For sale is a 6-store package and 2 fee properties available (not included in purchase price). Burger King is the second largest hamburger chain in the world and...
PRICED REDUCED! Successful American Tavern and Restaurant
Wilmington, DE
Opportunity to own a legendary restaurant that's been a local favorite for over 30...
Extremely Popular Franchise Deli & Sandwich Shop for Sale!
Wilmington, DE
The deli and sandwich shop is a cherished member of a renowned and highly successful...
Newly Renovated Outside Area - American Bistro for Sale
Wilmington, DE
Upscale restaurant located among affluent neighborhoods in a newly-renovated shopping...
High Volume Seafood Restaurant in New Castle County
New Castle County, DE
This restaurant was established in 2020 and has a great following for its menu options,...
For Sale! Well-Established Take-Out Restaurant-Under Contract
Wilmington, DE
We are excited to present a unique opportunity to acquire a well-established take-out...
Outstanding Restaurant Opportunity in Trolley Square, DE!
Wilmington, DE
Discover a rare opportunity to own a well-established restaurant located in the vibrant...
Just Reduced - American Gastro Pub for Sale
Wilmington, DE
This amazing gastro pub has a strong 13 year history! Boasted 24 rotating taps, craft...
Lee's Famous Recipe Chicken
Available Nationwide
Join Lee’s Famous Recipe Chicken: A Legendary Brand with $1.8M AUV, Strong Unit...
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