Unique Mobile Bar Catering
New Castle County, DE
Take on this opportunity to become the highlight of any party. Bring the bartender, the bar, the photo booth and more to the occasion. Bartenders turned...
JUST REDUCED! Make an Offer- Tavern in Hockessin, DE for 12 years.
Hockessin, DE
Discover an incredible opportunity to own a popular sports bar & tavern in the heart of Hockessin, DE! This establishment has built a loyal customer base and...
Outstanding Restaurant Opportunity in Trolley Square, DE!
Wilmington, DE
Discover a rare opportunity to own a well-established restaurant located in the vibrant...
Just Reduced - American Gastro Pub for Sale
Wilmington, DE
This amazing gastro pub has a strong 13 year history! Boasted 24 rotating taps, craft...
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