Discover Italy in Every Bite at this Beloved Italian Restaurant
New Castle County, DE
This Italian gem in the heart of Wilmington, DE, invites diners to enjoy authentic...
Pizzeria / Take Out Window/ Delivery With Real Estate
Wilmington, DE
PIZZERIA, Take Out, Delivery, Catering and the real Estate. Sale Includes: Business,...
Well-Established Italian and Pizza Restaurant for Sale!
Wilmington, DE
Are you passionate about Italian cuisine and looking to own a successful, turnkey...
High Volume Sit-Down/Takeout/Delivery Pizza Restaurant - Bear, DE
Bear, DE
Here's your chance to own a highly successful, highly profitable restaurant featuring an...
Neighborhood Restaurant with Real Estate for Sale
New Castle County, DE
Opportunity to purchase an existing pizzeria/Italian restaurant in a heavy traffic,...
Very Successful Family Owned Italian Restaurant for Sale!
Wilmington, DE
This award-winning restaurant is known for their signature cocktails, homemade pasta and...
Best Offer - 2SPizza, 168 E. Main St., Newark, DE 19711
Newark, DE
Seller has just reduced the price substantially to move forward with other investments....
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