PRICED REDUCED! Successful American Tavern and Restaurant
Wilmington, DE
Opportunity to own a legendary restaurant that's been a local favorite for over 30...
Extremely Popular Franchise Deli & Sandwich Shop for Sale!
Wilmington, DE
The deli and sandwich shop is a cherished member of a renowned and highly successful...
Newly Renovated Outside Area - American Bistro for Sale
Wilmington, DE
Upscale restaurant located among affluent neighborhoods in a newly-renovated shopping...
For Sale! Well-Established Take-Out Restaurant-Under Contract
Wilmington, DE
We are excited to present a unique opportunity to acquire a well-established take-out...
Outstanding Restaurant Opportunity in Trolley Square, DE!
Wilmington, DE
Discover a rare opportunity to own a well-established restaurant located in the vibrant...
Just Reduced - American Gastro Pub for Sale
Wilmington, DE
This amazing gastro pub has a strong 13 year history! Boasted 24 rotating taps, craft...
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