Convenience store with Deli, Beer and Wine
Washington, DC
Well established Convenience store with Deli and ABC. It is located in a quiet and safe...
Beer and Wine Store for Sale
Washington, DC
Located in NW DC the store offers: Beer and Wine license Deli license Extra Income-...
Money Making store,Fantastic Location,and neightbor store!
Washington, DC
Real good for Family Business,Potential,Potential!
Sales $1.5 Million - Cash Flow $390K - Seller Financing
Washington, DC
Seller Financing Option. Established Liquor Store. One of Washington's Oldest Liquor...
Beer and Wine / Prime Location NW. DC //PRICE DROPPED!! $250K to $189k
Washington, DC
Beer and wine in NW DC. Won't find anything better than this Prime location with a lot...
UNDER CONTRACT! SBA Pre-Approved Liquor Store in NE DC!
District of Columbia, DC
This SBA Pre-Qualified Business has been a neighborhood staple for years. Due to the...
Grocery/Convenience Store and Halal Meat Market
Washington, DC
**Khartoum Halal Grocery** High traffic area in downtown DC right off the main road. The...
Under Contract! Very Profitable Liquor Store for Sale in SE DC!!!!!!
Washington, DC
This Exclusively Liquor Store located on the corner of a high-traffic intersection...
37k net Mo AbsenteeOwner Super Market District of Columbia, Washington
Washington, DC
Profitable, Absentee owner, can grow much more with new owner's little better idea.
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