Sorry, no listings were found matching your search criteria for Archer, FL. Showing instead
Gift Basket Business with Clean Books For Sale!
Gainesville, FL
Very Established Absentee Owned business sells Gift Baskets/Bouquets for any special occasion. Their passion, heritage, and future are rooted in helping people...
Lucrative International Market
Alachua County, FL
Looking for a well-established affluent international market? This is the one for you! Recently remodeled off a busy highway in Gainesville, FL, this international...
Shopify eCommerce Selling Bed, Home, and Clothing Items
Gainesville, FL
This 3-plus year old Shopify eCommerce business sells home decor items. Traffic mainly...
Established Acai Bowl/Smoothie Business For Sale (College Campus)
Gainesville, FL
Take advantage of the booming health food and acai bowl industry with a beautiful store...
Food mart business for sale
Alachua County, FL
Average Inside Sales: $50,000 monthly <br />Average monthly Sales from hot food...
Mobil Kangaroo Gas Station (Open Gas) (Very Profitable)
High Springs, FL
Kangaroo gas station for sale with absentee operator. This Kangaroo gas station does...
Liquor Store for sale
Alachua County, FL
Located in Gainesville, FL<br />Asking $50k + Inventory around $50k + Alachua County...
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