Established Convenience Store - Great Potential
Cocoa Beach, FL
This is an established Convenience Store, need owner operator, Gross sales $530,000/year, Lotto commission $55,000/years, other income $8,000/year, LOW RENT...
1+/- Acre Commercial Lot for Sale - Many Uses
Titusville, FL
Commercial lot originally purchased for use of a gas station and convenience store but many potential uses. The...
Convenience Store for Sale: Prime Location & Established Customer Base
Titusville, FL
Unlock a prime investment opportunity with this Mobil-branded convenience store located...
Established Gas/Convenience Store - Ideal for Owner Operator
Melbourne, FL
This is an established Gas/Convenience store, currently it is absentee owner, the owner...
Gas Station Business for Sale, Great Location
Melbourne Beach, FL
Shell Gas Station Business for Sale. Great Location. Selling 45K gallons of fuel...
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