First-Rate Family Medicine Practice For Sale with 1,700 Senior Lives
Brevard County, FL
This practice, perfect for an entrepreneurial primary care physician or strategic buyer, offers a unique opportunity to acquire a large (1,700+) senior patient...
Acupunture Business with Medical Office Real Estate
Rockledge, FL
Acupuncture Business with medical building on a corner lot with 2,950 SF on .46 acres with 13 parking spaces along with furniture fixtures and equipment within has...
Medical Building for Sale - with Acupuncture Business
Rockledge, FL
This is primarily an asset sale - this medical building on a corner lot with 2,950 SF on .46 acres with 13...
Dance Studio, Foreigner Investors moving to the US and need an E2 Visa
Brevard County, FL
Are you willing to move to the US and need an E2 Visa? An excellent opportunity exists to invest in and partner (120K for 60%) with a dance school. The owner is a...
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