Established retail/vape/smoke shop 2nd location.
Rockledge, FL
2nd location of extremely well-run established retail/vape/smoke shop with amazing customer base and fantastic location.
1+/- Acre Commercial Lot for Sale - Many Uses
Titusville, FL
Commercial lot originally purchased for use of a gas station and convenience store but many potential uses. The...
Turn-key Market Shop in Cocoa Beach, FL
Cocoa Beach, FL
Pelican Cove is a well-established and vibrant market shop located in the heart of Cocoa...
Popular Brevard County Beach-side Dairy Queen
Brevard County, FL
Back on Market at reduced price for quick sale. Uniquely located Beachside Dairy Queen...
Incredible Bike Shop with amazing location and massive customer base.
Cocoa, FL
This is a rare opportunity to own or invest in a business that has seen increased...
Music Instrument Retail Store with many Major Brands, Turnkey
Melbourne, FL
This is a must-see Music Instrument and Supply Retail Store with a great following and...
Retail Shopping Plaza
Brevard County, FL
LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! Situated on one of the busiest roads in Melbourne, FL,...
Well-Established Music Emporium - Asset Sale
Melbourne, FL
If you are passionate about music and looking for a lucrative business opportunity, look...
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