Partner for Late Model Off Lease Auto Business-5 lines
Port Charlotte, FL
We are a 30-year-old company looking for an experienced partner to open a second location in Florida. Manheim Auctions has 10 busy Florida locations and you will...
Chemical, paper & office supply RETAIL BUSINESS.
Englewood, FL
An opportunity to buy an well established chemical, paper, janitorial and office supply business. Located in the growing desirable location in SW Florida. Superb...
Bookstore for Sale in SW Florida - Live Your Dream!
Punta Gorda, FL
Opportunity to own and operate a sustainable, well-respected independent bookstore which...
Established Custom Cabinet Retailer
Charlotte County, FL
Reduced Price. Designer and office manager on staff - Seller works part time with focus...
Established Kitchen & Bath Company with 25 Years of Experience
Port Charlotte, FL
This well-respected, family-owned kitchen and bath business is now available for sale....
Well Established Franchise Thrift Shop | Great Location
Charlotte County, FL
Extremely popular & established franchise retail store that re-sells fashion clothing &...
Custom Uniform Business in Charlotte County
Port Charlotte, FL
The go to place for businesses, clubs, schools and individuals to find their next...
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