Pool Service Route in DeLand For Sale!
Deland, FL
Well-established pool service business consists of 66 residential and 2 commercial accounts, with a monthly recurring billing of $10,725 plus repair income. Pools...
Deland - Pool Route for Sale!
Deland, FL
This pool route has $7,150.00 monthly recurring income, with 55 pool accounts established. 55 residential accounts & 0 commercial accounts. Additionally seller...
Profitable Freight and Trucking Business Opportunity
Deland, FL
"Drive into Success: Established Logistics Business for Sale!" Take the wheel of a thriving logistics company with 12 trucks and nine trailers. Operating across 48...
DeLand FL,Successful Iconic Emmy’s building/restaurant & bar
Deland, FL
How is this restaurant and property different than the other businesses for sale that you are considering? Loyal customers for quality food and service … 44 years...
Online E commerce Business- JUST 3/4 HOURS A DAY.
Deland, FL
They are a totally online E commerce business that can be run from anywhere! Long...
Dental Practice for sale (Great Location) Off Main Blvd
Deland, FL
Very Nice established practice for sale with a good team and spaces Office with high...
Specialty Brownie Bakery and Ice Cream
Deland, FL
This Specialty Brownie Bakery, famous for its round crispy edged brownies like brownie...
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