Low Rent, Top Lottery Commission Earner, Revenue on the Rise
Jacksonville, FL
Sales are increasing month after month. For the month of October grocery sales were $48,218, plus $80,325 in lottery sales. Amazing numbers!!!!! Turn key location...
Gas Station & C-Store for sale and Real Estate Available
Duval County, FL
Over 23 Years of Exceptional Profit Generation Monthly Gas Sales: Approximately 27,000 gallons Impressive Profit Margin: $0.30 per gallon Additional Income...
Gas Station
Jacksonville, FL
Located on Southside of Jacksonville, FL ,inside sales around 40k-45k a month (profit margin between 35% to 40%), game machine $1000.00 rough a month, lotto...
Nice Circle K Mobil Gas Station for Sale (Absentee Operator)
Jacksonville, FL
Mobil Circle K gas station for sale with absentee operator. This Circle K gas station does an average of 66k a month inside sales and 36k gallons a month. This is...
Gas Station Real Estate
Duval County, FL
Here's an extraordinary opportunity to acquire a well-established gas station business...
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