Palm Coast, FL Area Pool Route for Sale!
Palm Coast, FL
This pool route has $64,100.00 monthly recurring income, with 490 pool accounts established. 490 residential accounts & 0 commercial accounts. Additionally the...
Palm Coast, FL Pool Route for Sale!
Palm Coast, FL
Located in Palm Coast, Florida area. This owner operated pool service route consists of 48 established pool accounts. 48 residential accounts & 0 commercial...
Window Cleaning Business - Scalable
Palm Coast, FL
Are you looking for a business that offers a consistent, loyal client base with growth potential? This well-established window cleaning company, operating in...
Turn-Key Profitable 36-Yr Flooring Biz & Property
Bunnell, FL
BUSINESS & PROPERTY -Being Sold Seperately. BUSINESS - $550,000 / PROPERTY - $1,350,000. Discounted Price for BOTH together $1.7M. Buyer can either relocate this...
Palm Coast Pool Route for Sale!
Palm Coast, FL
Located in Palm Coast, Florida Area. This owner operated pool service route consists of...
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