1st Southern Style Franchise
Jacksonville, FL
We are an established restaurant that has been around 10yrs. We serve traditional...
Thriving Restaurant for Sale in JAX, FL!
Jacksonville, FL
Step into ownership of a highly successful, well-established restaurant with a loyal...
Premier Korean BBQ Restaurant for Sale in Jacksonville, FL
Jacksonville, FL
An exceptional opportunity to own one of the largest and most well-equipped Korean BBQ...
Cash Flow: $366,744
Mambos Cuban Cafe Express Mandarin - Asset Sale
Jacksonville, FL
Seize the chance to own the equipment, furnishings, fixtures, and high-quality build-out...
Established Colombian Restaurant-Asset Sale
Jacksonville, FL
Presenting a unique chance to acquire a well-established Colombian restaurant as an...
Exquisite Peruvian Cuisine Restaurant available as an Asset Sale!
Jacksonville, FL
This sale includes all FF&E and the transfer of a sublease with 2.5 years left with ...
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