Flagship Smoothieking Franchise in SouthWest Florida! Visa Eligible!
Cape Coral, FL
Long established Franchise with over 500k in Sales and 5% annual growth. DRIVE THRU!! Low rent, easy to run, no headaches, Updated Grease Trap, eligible for EB...
Breakast, Brunch, bakery, Deli, Restauant
Estero, FL
Good opportunity to get a turnkey Breakfast-Lunch Café restaurant with 2 COP wine and Beer license, located in front Coconut Point and next to sister location El...
Lobster Rolls Restaurant
Cape Coral, FL
Lobster Roll Shop – Fully Equipped and Ready to Operate – 1000 sqft RESTAURANT IS NOT IN THE FLOOD ZONE!!! For sale is a fully equipped and operational lobster...
Smoothie and Bowls Shop- Franchise for Sale, Great Fort Myers Location
Fort Myers, FL
Are you ready to own your very own restaurant franchise? This Franchise for Sale is one investment that could pay off big time. This well-known brand is a...
Asian Restaurant For Sale in Lee County
Estero, FL
MOTIVATED SELLER!!...LENDER PRE-QUALIFIED...This is an exceptional turnkey restaurant in...
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