Turnkey Pizzeria in Manatee County
Holmes Beach, FL
Second highest location on the island and survived all the Hurricanes with no flooding. Owner is the manager. This is a great opportunity for a new or seasoned...
Established Pizza business for over 20 years!
Palmetto, FL
Drastic price reduction from 130,000 to 99,000! There is a large demand for Pizza Businesses in and around this location and with the new convention Center coming...
Fantastic Pizza Restaurant for Sale, Providing $94,000 Owner Benefit
Bradenton, FL
This Bradenton Pizza Restaurant for Sale with sales over $285,000 are proof that this...
Lakewood Ranch Pizzeria
Lakewood Ranch, FL
Everyone wants LAKEWOOD RANCH but nuthin' is available. So, look what we have here?!...
Bradenton Pizzeria
Manatee County, FL
West Bradenton Pizzeria is being sold as the sale of the assets only. The sellers...
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