Established Ocala St Armands Bread Rte..Nets $48k..15 Hrs/Wk
Ocala, FL's true! You can work about 15 hours per week and make almost $48k per year. The Seller must sell the route due to him owning multiple Businesses and...
Niche Distribution Company for Sale
Marion County, FL
After almost 20 years in business, this Seller is finally ready to retire! This business sells electrical components & diesel engine parts, with the majority of...
Portable Buildings Business with a stellar reputation.
Ocala, FL
With nearly four decades of operation, this is an incredible opportunity to acquire a...
REDUCED! FedEx Ground Operation – NOW $950,000 - Ocala Depot
Ocala, FL
FedEx Ground Operation Ocala Depot PRICE NOW: $950,000 PRICE WAS: $1,150,000 Owner...
Ocala-Leesburg Florida Snyder's-Lance Snack Distribution Route for Sal
Ocala, FL
Price: $189,500 – Weekly Sales: $8,412 This listing is for a Snyder’s-Lance snack...
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