Casa de Cambio / Currency Exchange -many locations in South Florida
Miami-Dade County, FL
Excellent absentee Owner business with a special niche of offering currency exchange for locals, corporations, travel agencies, tourists, and banks referrals....
Boat shuttle & Sightseeing Tour company
Miami-Dade County, FL
Decades old established Water taxi shuttle & sightseeing tour business for sale with great opportunity and possibilities for the right buyer. Owner willing to...
Vandutch Yacht Charter Service in Miami, FL
Miami, FL
Would you like to own a profitable yacht charter business while also enjoying ownership of a 40FT Vandutch Yacht in Miami? Purchase this turn key operation and...
Innovative, Travel Security and Phone Accessory Consumer Product Co.
Aventura, FL
The company is an innovator, developer and omni channel marketer of multiple patented, travel security and phone accessories consumer products sold exclusively...
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