Turnkey CE Healthcare School(CE = Continuing Education for Adults)
For a 30-day cash close, we are offering the school for $195k. For a financed longer close - the price is a negotionable $275k. As an industry leader, we...
Kids Computer Science School—5 STAR rated—Great $$ Potential
This is a great business for only $150,000! This franchised computer/coding school closed less than 30 days ago — it cost over $400,000 to open. It took...
Premier Language Education Business for Sale – Profitable and Renowned
Fort Lauderdale, FL
The school is a Florida corporation founded in 1998. The main purpose of the business has been to provide effective language education, which would lead to the...
Miami/Ft Lauderdale Area Flight School for sale
Pembroke Pines, FL
Well established flight school Miami/Ft Lauderdale Area. Owns a fleet of Piper aircraft, single and multi engine, full motion flight simulator. School facilities...
Online Continuing Education Provider for Sale
Pompano Beach, FL
Reason for Sale: No more ownership responsibility- This online learning organization is an approved Continuing Education (CE) (# 50-17105) provider, offering CE...
Profitable and Growing Flight School With SEVIS Certification
Miami-Dade County, FL
This well-established flight school has built a strong reputation for excellence in pilot training, catering to aspiring aviators from various backgrounds....
Progressive Palm Beach County Preschool with Real Estate Included
Jupiter, FL
Well established progressive school in Palm Beach county including Real...
Accredited Online Real Estate School for Sale in Florida
Miami-Dade County, FL
This is a long-standing online real estate school delivering courses accredited by the...
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