Simple side business 6-8 hours a month almost no expenses
South Miami, FL
Simple Side Business - Requires as little as 6-8 hours a month to thoroughly service route - You don't pay in full until we are with you, fully trained ( not...
Vending Machines Route, Palm Beach County, FL
Palm Beach, FL
Soda & Snack vending machines route for sale in the Palm Beach and Broward Counties, Florida region for $85,000. Currently grossing an estimated $73,681 and nets...
ATM Machine Route, Miami, FL
Miami, FL
ATM Machine Route business for sale in the Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Florida area for $1,900,000! Current net income is $452,083 per year as an owner/operator. The...
Simple Side Business, Passive, No Selling Whatsoever
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Breathalyzers In Bars, All you do is replace straws and collect your money. Typically only requires 8-12 hours a month and machines will be placed in busy bars...
Earn PASSIVE Income! Own a Vending Machine Business Today!
Palm Beach County, FL
Ever dreamt of a hands-free investment that brings in steady profits? Seize the opportunity to own a thriving...
Semi-Passive Vending Business in Miami
Miami, FL
This business sale includes 12 fully warranted vending machines. Add additional units to grow revenue as needed. The business offers exactly what today’s customers...
Vending Machines & Locations Throughout Miami
Miami, FL
Turn-key vending route opportunity with several machines and very desirable locations...
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