Freight Brokerage with established loyal diverse client list.
This is a great business opportunity to invest in a non-asset based, logistics brokerage company. We have a very solid book of business for sale, with...
Packing and Shipping East Orlando
This Packing and Shipping Retail Store Franchise offers access to shipping carriers such as FedEx, DHL, the United States Postal Service, etc. The...
11 FedEx Ground Routes - Orlando (Ocoee), FL - Vehicle Financing
Ocoee, FL
Asking Price: $675,000 with assumption of $400,000 in vehicle financing. FedEx Ground...
8 FedEx Linehaul Routes - Orlando, FL - Vehicle Financing
Orlando, FL
FedEx Linehaul Routes for Sale: Well-established and highly profitable FedEx Linehaul...
FedEx Routes - $1,114,000 - Central Florida
Orlando, FL
FedEx Routes Central Florida $1,114,000 Owner Reported Net: $318,000 ...
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