Cleaning route for sale with 17 homes and 1 office
Kissimmee, FL
The seller owns and works on a consistent 17-vacation home route and one office for the entire year. In addition to the seller and wife, there are two cleaners;...
Cleaning Business in Osceola County
Kissimmee, FL
Growing Cleaning Business Opportunity. Business with many awards: - The best of Kissimmee House cleaning - Accredited BBB - Google TOP PRO Review 4.9 - Angie's...
Short Term Rental Cleaning Company
Osceola County, FL
Successful Short-Term Rental Cleaning Company in Tourism Corridor. Possible E2 Visa...
Cleaning and Repair Franchise (x4 Locations)
Kissimmee, FL
Cleaning and repair Franchise Available for Sale Great opportunity to build your own...
Fantastic A/C Duct Cleaning Services (No HVAC License Required)
Kissimmee, FL
Fantastic business in an ever-growing market! Most services done in Kissimmee and St....
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