Home Based Decorative Landscape Edging Franchise
Auburndale, FL
For nearly 30 years, Border Magic has been an industry leader in decorative landscape edging and concrete curbing, adding both style and functionality to homes and...
Excellent Handyman Business in Orlando for Sale
Lakeland, FL
Seasoned handyman service in bustling part of the Greater Orlando area is now available for dedicated new buyer. This business has many established accounts that...
Property Management, Home Services & Real Estate Brokerage Business
Davenport, FL
This business opportunity is perfect for an E2 Visa for a husband and wife team. The...
Established Bail Bond Business With Excellent Reputation
Polk County, FL
Look at this Turnkey Established for over 46y Family-owned Full-Service...
30 Property Management Accounts located in Davenport
Davenport, FL
30 Property Management Accounts. Most of the properties are located in one sub-division...
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