REDUCED! Pool Service Route in Sanford For Sale!
Sanford, FL
Well-established owner-operated pool service route consists of 165 residential and 5 commercial accounts, with a monthly recurring billing of $30,000 plus repair...
Well Established Pool Route - 80 Accounts
Sanford, FL
This Sanford area route is a remarkable offer. Beyond what you get on most routes. This owner has included a very active website that daily receives calls for...
Great Sanford Pool Route
Sanford, FL
Here’s your chance to own a great pool route in Sanford, FL! It consists of 208...
Computer Sales/Service Business with real Estate established 29 years
Sanford, FL
Founded in 1995, this unique computer sales and service business has been one of Central...
REDUCED! Martin's Bread Route $412,000 Sanford / Lake Mary / Heathrow
Sanford, FL
PRICE REDUCED! Martin's Bread Route FOR SALE Sanford / Lake Mary / Heathrow Seminole...
Great Sanford Pool Route
Sanford, FL
Here’s your chance to own a great pool route in Sanford, FL! It consists of 303 accounts...
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