Iconic Italian Restaurant in a Great Location
Seminole County, FL
This offering presents an established, family-operated Italian restaurant located in a...
Pizzeria for Sale in Orlando Turn-key or 2nd Generation
Casselberry, FL
Owner Motivated / Make an OFFER!!! Established 5 years ago, this restaurant is fully...
Profitable Italian Restaurant for Sale in Longwood FL
Longwood, FL
Asking Price: $600,000 Gross Revenue: $241,320 EBITDA: $30,000 Rent: $3,800 per Month...
Italian Restaurant. Great Reputation and Volume
Seminole County, FL
A well-established name in quality Italian food across the board. A full menu of salads,...
120K down !! 350K Net 10% down SBA Pizza Restaurant.
Winter Springs, FL
Very profitable long established pizza restaurant in Seminole County. Excellent...
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