Kombi keg Palm beach is for sale! A 1974 VW bus mobile tap truck!
Port St. Lucie, FL
Kombi Keg Palm beach is the newly established branch of a worldwide franchise centered around our flagship product, our beautifully restored 1974 VW bus that...
Fully Built Out Turnkey Restaurant in Fort Pierce area only $50,000
Fort Pierce, FL
Get in now before season starts to take advantage. This Neighborhood Restaurant near Fort Pierce, Florida generated sales of almost $600,000 in 2023. Keep existing...
Italian Restaurant- Over $950,000 in sales! Owner will finance 50%!
Port Saint Lucie, FL
Experience the thrill of success by becoming the proud owner this Italian Restaurant for...
Beautiful Restaurant in High Growth Area
Saint Lucie West, FL
Beautifully built-out specialty restaurant with seating inside and out for over 100....
100% Absentee Operated Bar / 4COP
St Lucie County, FL
100% ABSENTEE OPERATED BAR/4COP. All buyers must provide proof of funds and background...
Great Nightclub/Bar Opportunity
Port Saint Lucie, FL
Welcome to your next investment opportunity! A vibrant nightclub, restaurant and bar...
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