Two Profitable Food & Beverage Franchises for Sale
Vero Beach, FL
Established (10+ Years) food & beverage franchises with management in-place. Great passive income opportunity.
Italian Restaurant for Sale $820,000 in Sales over $150,000 owner bene
Vero Beach, FL
Well Established Italian Restaurant for Sale in Vero Beach doing over $820,000 in Sales with Owner Beneft OVER $150,000 and Rent is just $2500 per month! Busines...
Ultimate downtown sports bar.
Vero Beach, FL
The ultimate sports bar located downtown Vero Beach... totally renovated in 2017. Very...
Downtown Bistro/catering Company
Vero Beach, FL
FEATURES: - Professionally Built Out Kitchen With Saucier and Butcher Stations -...
Established family style Downtown Pub with beer garden
Vero Beach, FL
Well-established family-style Downtown Pub with a beer garden. Very loyal customer base...
See more results when you broaden your search from Vero Beach to Indian River County.
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