Dry Cleaner Plant with one Pick-Up Station
Atlanta, GA
Stable dry cleaner plant and pick-up station with good and long customers. Plant's...
Fantastic Location Dry Cleaner
Atlanta, GA
Fantastic Location! Dry Cleaner in Atlanta!! State-of-the-art dry cleaning plant in a...
Best Dry Cleaner for sale.
Atlanta, GA
This is absolute owner absentee. $650,000.00 gross income. Owner take home $240,000
High Volume 1 Plant and 1 Drop-off Location.
Atlanta, GA
Very Busy Drycleaners.Near High-end Townhomes, Apartments, Businesses, and Hotels. Hydro...
Great pick-up store with the key anchor tenant
Atlanta, GA
Simply the best location with the key anchor tenant. It is a simple pick-up store,...
Lenox 20yr Dry clean net $5000/m asking 180k
Atlanta, GA
20 year old Dry clean store, mom and pop store, near Lenox mall , good area, have long...
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