Rural Hardware and Lumber Company Multi-Store Opportunity
Telfair County, GA
This Rural Hardware and Lumber Company is more than just a rural hardware store. It stands as a vital part of Middle Georgia's community, offering not just lumber...
Retail/Wholesale Lighting Store with Real Estate
Lowndes County, GA
This is a 15,000 sq. ft. lighting, showroom and design center in south Georgia that displays a large selection of light fixtures for residential and commercial...
Hardware and Feed & Seed Business TBH619
This opportunity is to purchase a local hardware and feed/seed store serving the...
Multi-Location Window & Door Distributor #1861
Listing Price: Market Value This company has been in business for over 20 years and is...
Cash Flow: $1,200,987
Very Profitable Flooring Business - Staff In Place
Fayette County, GA
This is a profitable, semi-absentee flooring business that has been in business for over...
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