Auto Repair With Owner Financing
Savannah, GA
**Unparalleled Opportunity to Acquire a Thriving Auto Repair Business in Savannah, GA!** Are you ready to take the wheel of a highly successful and reputable auto...
Savannah, GA- High Margin Automotive Repair Franchise
Savannah, GA
Simple, repeatable operations that generate robust cash flow, boasting an impressive 70%+ repeat customer rate. Situated in a prime retail-dense trade area, this...
Established electric vehicle rental fleet downsizing
Savannah, GA
This business is trimming its electric vehicle inventory and looking to sell off four vehicles. All vehicles have...
Gas Station/C-Store for Sale in Metro Savannah w/ Property and More
Port Wentworth, GA
The Christian Swann Group is honored to present this incredible property at the corner of Hodgeville Rd and Hwy 30. This 1-acre parcel boasts a 1680 SF convenience...
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