Profitable Beauty Bar on a Part-Time Basis
Smyrna, GA
Profitable boutique beauty bar with stellar reviews on Yelp! and Google for sale in Smyrna, GA. Established in 2013 the studio has a client base that provides...
A Beautiful Turnkey Deka Lash for Sale in Atlanta, GA
Atlanta, GA
Deka Lash is The Expert in Eyelash Extensions – A Leader Poised for Sustained Growth – Deka Lash is 1 of the 2 largest players in do-it-for-me lash extensions, a...
Established Waxing Studio for Sale in Kennesaw
Kennesaw, GA
Explore the opportunity to own a thriving waxing business with a strong reputation in the beauty and wellness industry. This well-established waxing studio has...
Marietta Turn-Key Cash Flowing 7 Chair Salon
Marietta, GA
Welcome to an extraordinary opportunity in the heart of Marietta! Presenting an exceptional chance to own a thriving stall rental salon in a prime location. This...
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