Absentee Owner/Sales $90,000 Month/Stable Sales With Frequent Customer
Lithonia, GA
Absentee Owner-8 Years Business. 4 Kitchen Member + Cashiers, All Members have worked...
Famous American Deli/ Sale $80,000Month/Absentee Owner/8yrs Business
Tucker, GA
200 Locations Nationwide Franchise, Growing All The Time. Chance to be a American Deli...
Profitable Absentee-Owned Breakfast and Lunch Franchise for Sale
Decatur, GA
Seize the opportunity to own a highly profitable, absentee-owned fast casual breakfast...
Under Contract-"Successful hot wing American Deli restaurant for sale.
Stone Mountain, GA
The A/C and exhaust fan have been replaced. The Sale includes all furniture, fixtures...
Chicken Wing Store
Lithonia, GA
This store is in the shopping center.. The monthly sales is around $70,000. The current...
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