High Dollar Vending Location in Gainesville, GA
Explore a lucrative investment opportunity with a high value vending location in the Gainesville area. Gain exclusive access to this prime location that...
Boba Tea and Smoothies
800 sq ft boba tea and smoothie shop with kitchen hood, fryer and freeze and cool storage. Prefect for any takeout restaurant. Great shop
Plant plus Satellite store and Route Service 46 years
Gainesville, GA
5000 sq ft Plant , Satellite store and whole sell route service Three D Cleaners 46...
Price Reduction! Iconic Restaurant Building for Sale in Gainesville
Gainesville, GA
Seize the opportunity to own a prime piece of Restaurant Building for Sale in the...
North GA Huddle House Breakfast Lunch Restaurant for Sale – $179K Net
Gainesville, GA
North GA Huddle House Breakfast Lunch Franchise Restaurant for Sale – $179,000 Net...
Prime Location Beauty Supply at Gainesville GA
Gainesville, GA
a lot of Traffic area Inventory : $120,000 Utility : Water: CAM included , Elec:...
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