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Popular Boba & Ice Cream shop for sale
Kailua Kona, HI
Very popular Boba Tea (Bubble Tea) and Ice Cream shop right in the heart of downtown Kona at the Lanihau Center! <br />Fully scalable Boba Tea & Ice cream...
Hawaiian property with Art Gallery, Café, STVR, & Wedding businesses.
Volcano, HI
In the heart of Volcano, Hawaii, this exceptional property, Volcano Garden Arts, allows a rare opportunity to own a 2.71 acre fee simple property which has the Big...
Hawaii’s Famous Magic Pineapple Shack for Sale
Hilo, HI
Makani's Magic Pineapple Shack has been featured on Foodnetwork's "best treats in the USA", Keith Lee has come in to do a viral video & has recommended it. HGTV,...
Freshies "Successful Makawao Maui Restaurant"
Makawao, HI
Freshies: Your Gateway to Culinary Excellence in Makawao! Step into this thriving restaurant nestled in the heart of Makawao Town! Freshies embodies the spirit of...
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