Popular Dessert Spot on the South Shore of Maui
Kihei, HI
This small family-owned business in the heart of Kihei that has been in business since November 2018 is one of a kind on Maui. The store is focused on specialty...
Freshies "Successful Makawao Maui Restaurant"
Makawao, HI
Freshies: Your Gateway to Culinary Excellence in Makawao! Step into this thriving restaurant nestled in the heart of Makawao Town! Freshies embodies the spirit of...
Argentinian-American Food Tailer
Maui County, HI
Located in the #1 lunch truck garden and entertainment center. Gorgeous gardens full of...
Profitable Ice Cream Shop in Paradise – Maui, HI
Lahaina, HI
This gourmet ice shop has become the best of its kind in Hawaii. Started and run by a...
Sit Down Restaurant in a Strip Mall Asset Sale
Kihei, HI
Located in a high traffic strip mall in South Kihei. This is a new restaurant. The...
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