Bar/ Barbershop
Eagle, ID
Provisions Barbering is currently a successful barbershop, but it has untapped potential to be much more. The space is ideally suited for transforming into a beer...
Sports Pub & Grill w/Legacy Liquor License
Ada County, ID
This iconic sports pub and grill is strategically located within a vibrant entertainment hub. The expansive open space has high ceilings, creating a spacious...
Established Neighborhood Brew Pub
Ada County, ID
Fully furnished, newly remodeled, Brew Pub... Microbrewery/Taphouse. Wine Bar that...
Popular Pub and Grill
Ada County, ID
Price includes Legacy Liquor License. Established in 1983 this local gathering place is...
Neighborhood Restaurant & Bar
Boise, ID
Price includes Legacy Liquor License. Established over 17 years ago, this neighborhood...
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