Fun and Unique Dessert Shop with Huge Potential
Great opportunity to get in on the cookie dough craze. A niche has been carved out as the only raw, edible, scoopable cookie dough in Idaho. This is a...
Established Ice Cream Route
Jumpstart your success with a cryogenic beaded ice cream route! Includes a trailer, inventory and equipment for 18 sites along with immediate potential...
*New* Established Ice Cream and Coffee Shop - Franchise Opportunity
Twin Falls, ID
We are pleased to be listing this amazing new ice cream and coffee shop for sale. This national award winning ice cream shop has quickly grown in popularity in the...
2 Profitable Frozen Yogurt Shops
Canyon County, ID
2 SELF-SERVE FROZEN YOGURT SHOPS: These 2 profitable self-serve frozen yogurt shops have been in operation since 2010. One location is 1,480 sq. ft. with 5 years...
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