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Leonidas Chocolate Cafe
Chicago, IL
Leonidas Chocolate Cafe sells Leonidas Belgian Chocolates and operates a French Breakfast Cafe with crepes, espresso, French pastries, and gelato in one of the...
Turn Key for Business in #1 Neighborhood in Pilsen
Chicago, IL
This is a popular local juice/smoothie/kava bar. The only Kava bar in all Chicagoland.The business also offers healthy fresh food and vegan options. We have...
High Profile, PROFITABLE Coffee Shop in Affluent Downtown Area
Cook County, IL
PROFITABLE Coffee Shop in Affluent Downtown-Area
Fun Mobile Coffee Shop - Italian Espresso - Excellent EBITDA
Chicago, IL
For Sale is a Mobile Coffee Shop located in Chicago. The reviews are off the charts. The regular customer following is large and growing daily. The unit economics...
Modern Independent Coffee & Bubble Tea Shop - Chicago’s South Loop!
Chicago, IL
Specializing in artisanal coffee drinks, teas, refreshers, smoothies and frappes along...
Bakery & Café - Thriving Suburban Downtown Central Business District!
Cook County, IL
A gourmet French pastry shop that combines classic European traditions with newer...
Modern Independent Coffee & Bubble Tea Shop - Chicago’s South Loop!
Chicago, IL
Specializing in artisanal coffee drinks, teas, refreshers, smoothies and frappes along...
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