Profitable Dog Waste Removal Route in Chicagoland
Cook County, IL
Calling all pet lovers! This pooper scooper business has been in operation for over two decades, servicing residential customers throughout the Chicago suburbs....
Large Established Residential Pet Care Service
DuPage County, IL
High Customer Service Ratings Large and prosperous residential pet care/sitting service in Dupage County in business more than 14 years. The company is a team of...
Exciting Opportunity! Established Dog Grooming Business for Sale!
DuPage County, IL
Are you passionate about pets and dream of owning your own dog grooming business? Your opportunity has arrived! We proudly present an established dog grooming...
Profitable Upscale Dog groomer
Des Plaines, IL
This is a high end dog groomer that has a proven model that works great for owners. The system knows every dog once their registered on their food, shampoo, their...
Very profitable Pet care and Boarding Business
Cook County, IL
Take over an established Pet care (non-veterinary) and boarding business. The business...
Established Dog Kennel with Residential Home for Sale!
Island Lake, IL
Excellent opportunity to acquire a business, residential & commercial property, and...
Profitable Dog Daycare & Grooming
Spring Grove, IL
This listing for an established and profitable, full-service dog daycare, grooming and...
Long Standing Animal Hospital in South Suburbs with Real Estate
Cook County, IL
Animal hospital with over 40 years of history. Great, consistent clientele with good...
Turnkey Pet Care and Pet Waste Removal Opportunity
Will County, IL
Pet Butler opened its first Chicagoland franchise location in 2015. Since then, that...
Woof Gang Bakery & Grooming
Available in Illinois
Average store sales are $665K/year with low investment gives you among the best returns...
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