FedEx P&D Routes for Sale - Chicago, IL
Chicago, IL
* 10 P&D Routes * Low mileage operation with low stem miles. * Two full-time managers who drive and manage the business. * 13 trucks included with the CSA. *...
SBA approved - 14 FedEx P&D Routes, est 20 years ago
Grayslake, IL
- SBA eligible for qualified buyers, only need 10% down! - The seller is retiring from the business - Established since 2005 - All trucks are dispatched from the...
Trucking company with a terminal for sale
Cook County, IL
A family-owned company for sale due to retirement. Established in 2006. The company is...
2 FedEx Linehaul Team Routes - Chicago, IL - Seller Financing
Chicago, IL
FedEx Linehaul Routes for Sale: Well-established and highly profitable FedEx Linehaul...
4 FedEx Linehaul Team Routes - Chicago, IL - Seller Financing
Chicago, IL
FedEx Linehaul Routes for Sale: Well-established and highly profitable FedEx Linehaul...
3 FedEx Linehaul Routes - Chicago, IL - Highly Profitable
Chicago, IL
FedEx Linehaul Routes for Sale: Well-established and highly profitable FedEx Linehaul...
Profitable Regional Logistics and Warehousing Business
Carol Stream, IL
Trucking - Flatbed Hauler The business offers a variety of transportation and...
Turnkey Trucking Logistics Firm with 24 Loyal Owner/Operators
Cook County, IL
Very well-managed Midwest transportation business that transports dry products for a...
A National Trucking Company
Cook County, IL
The company transports general freight and packages to the contiguous 48 states using...
Rapidly Growing, Profitable Transportation Business
Cook County, IL
This transportation business hauls goods across 48 states. Its loads typically include...
Established Trucking Logistics Firm
Cook County, IL
Well-managed Midwest transportation business that transports products for a variety of...
Trucking Company - Equipment Hauling - Includes Real Estate
Cook County, IL
This is an exceptional opportunity to purchase a growing and very profitable,...
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