Cash Flow: $247,198
Auto Repair & Tire Sales & Service
A fixture in the local market for 38 years. The company was founded as a neighborhood auto repair shop and over time, has become the go to in the area...
Chicago, IL - Recession-Proof Automotive Collision & Paint Franchise
Essential, global, data, and technology focused company creating an exceptional customer experience through transparency and education, resulting in...
Cook County - Profitable Auto Maintenance Business
Chicago, IL
This is a busy, exclusive territory franchise business, providing high quality oil...
Successful independent transmission shop and auto repair
Chicago, IL
This successful independent transmission shop has been in business for 40+ years and the...
Profitable - Well Established: "Iconic Brand"
Chicago, IL
This sale price includes all equipment and assets needed to run this highly successful...
See more results when you broaden your search from Chicago to Cook County.
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