FedEx P&D Routes for Sale - Chicago, IL
Chicago, IL
* 10 P&D Routes * Low mileage operation with low stem miles. * Two full-time managers who drive and manage the business. * 13 trucks included with the CSA. *...
Moving Franchise with Proven Success in Vibrant Downtown Chicago
Chicago, IL
Take the lead with a moving franchise in the heart of Chicago. This established franchise serves a prime territory including downtown, and has averaged $1.09M in...
FedEx Line Haul Routes, Suburban Chicago, IL
Chicago, IL
FedEx Line Haul Routes for sale in the Suburban Chicago, Illinois region for $2,300,000! Currently grossing $2,143,340 per year and nets $499,713 as an owner of...
Trailer Rental company for sale
Chicago, IL
AnA Leasing Group inc , a trailer rental company, established in 2021, possess 5 trailers. The monthly gross income is $7000. We sell the business with its...
2 FedEx Linehaul Team Routes - Chicago, IL - Seller Financing
Chicago, IL
FedEx Linehaul Routes for Sale: Well-established and highly profitable FedEx Linehaul...
4 FedEx Linehaul Team Routes - Chicago, IL - Seller Financing
Chicago, IL
FedEx Linehaul Routes for Sale: Well-established and highly profitable FedEx Linehaul...
3 FedEx Linehaul Routes - Chicago, IL - Highly Profitable
Chicago, IL
FedEx Linehaul Routes for Sale: Well-established and highly profitable FedEx Linehaul...
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