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Truck stop for sale
Grundy County, IL
Mini truck stop doing 100,000 gallon diesel & 100,000 gallons gas per month . 100,000 inside per month.High Margins . Absentee owner . Call for more...
Grocery Store with Gaming
Grundy County, IL
This 5000 sq. ft. grocery store is well established. There is no other grocery store for a long distance. These long term owners are ready to retire. Yearly...
Well Known, High Revenue, Restaurant and Bar Establishement!
Verona, IL
The owners of this well known establishment have decided to retire, creating an...
Well established PROFITABLE Landscaping Company
Grundy County, IL
Subject Business is a full service landscaping company providing Commercial and...
Profitable Breakfast-Lunch Only with 160 Seats – Possible Video Gaming
Minooka, IL
This is a great looking, family-owned, operational and profitable,<br />breakfast lunch...
Award-Winning Fitness Training Center and 24 Hour Gym for Sale
Morris, IL
This exceptional training center and 24-hour gym is now available for sale, offering a...
Retiring After 50 Years! Very Profitable Italian Restaurant, Pizzeria
Grundy County, IL
~~~AFTER being in the far western suburbs for OVER 50 YEARS, this owner is ready to hang...
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