Profitable and Established Radiator Component Manufacturer
Cook County, IL
American-made manufacturer & supplier of radiator components such as filler necks, hose connections and tubing. Utilizing materials such as brass, copper, steel,...
$536,829 Profit, Broaching & Specialty Machining Business
Chicago, IL
We do every type of broaching, CNC, EDM, slotting, key-seating, and parts that make broach tooling. Broaching types: Blind, external, high speed, horizontal,...
Metal Stamping- CNC, EDM & Assembly
Des Plaines, IL
This is a long established Tool and Die, CNC, EDM, Assembly and metal stamping...
Multiple Line Plating Shop
Bridgeview, IL
This is a long established leader in the electroplating metal finishing industry. The...
$221,000 Profit MFG; for structural Engineers & Construction buyers
Chicago, IL
Numerous industry awards. Welding & Steel Fabrication. Large jobs, made to...
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