Interstate Flagged hotel
Cook County, IL
Interstate Flagged hotel doing 2.3 room revenue . Perfect owner - operator . High cash flow . Great location . 120 rooms . Absentee owner . Conversion to...
Motel for sale
Cook County, IL
Flagged motel doing 1m room revenue . No PIP . Wont last long . Perfect owner - operator . High cash flow . Great location . Absentee owner . 40 rooms ....
Flagged hotel for sale
Cook County, IL
Flagged Hotel doing 1,8 room revenue . No PIP . Wont last long . Perfect owner -...
Flagged hotel for sale
Cook County, IL
Flagged hotel doing 1,700,000 room revenue . Minimum PIP .Great Interstate location ....
Independent motel for sale
Cook County, IL
The Imperial Motel is a 40-room exterior corridor property located on the bustling 103rd...
Flagged hotel for sale
Cook County, IL
Flagged hotel doing 1.7 room revenue .No PIP . Wont last long . Perfect owner -...
Flagged hotel for sale
Cook County, IL
Flagged hotel doing 2.1 room revenue .No PIP . Wont last long . Perfect owner -...
Motel for sale
Cook County, IL
Flagged motel doing 1.2 room revenue . No PIP . Wont last long . Perfect owner -...
Flagged hotel for sale
Cook County, IL
Flagged hotel doing 2,100,000 room revenue . Minimum PIP .Great Interstate location ....
Available in Illinois
We are a new concept in the $136B pet industry being the first wellness-focused...
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