Online uniforms and custom apparel
Cook County, IL
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY S-749 UNIFORM AND CUSTOM APPAREL COMPANY BASED IN NORTHERN ILLINOIS This multi-million-dollar Company is a leader in uniforms and custom...
Cash Flow: $387,085
Earn 50,000 per month in the ultra profitable ecommerce beauty niche
Chicago, IL
Invest in beauty… We create private syndications by partnering with accredited investors seeking a high passive...
Pre Employment Screening & HR Services Business
Elk Grove Village, IL
Just about every company run background checks and other services to screen their employees, this company...
Gaming Lounge - Illinois
Cook County, IL
Gamify Gaming is a place where everyone can find a place, no matter who they are or what games they like to play, to build a social setting where people can...
27+ Year Old US Based Greeting Card Business & Design Library- B2B
Chicago, IL
Offered for sale is a well-established, 27+ year old, profitable eCommerce business that...
Patent, trademark, tooling, website & inventory - E-Commerce product
Cook County, IL
The LINKOS™ Inter-Locking Bottle Rack is the only fully-customizable beverage rack on...
Disruptive AI Marketing SaaS Platform with Lucrative Potential!!
Chicago, IL
Disruptive AI Influencer Marketing Platform - SaaS with Lucrative Upside!! This...
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