High-Volume Well-Established Italian Restaurant & Pizzeria-River North
Chicago, IL
A charming and authentic casual Italian eatery with a prime downtown location, steps away from the scenic Chicago River and bustling Magnificent Mile. Serving...
57 Pizza Huts Notice of Sale Opportunity to Bid
Cook County, IL
57 Pizza Hut restaurants located primarily in Illinois Other Markets Available in Midwest and Southeast Pizza Hut was founded in 1958 by Dan and Frank Carney in...
Unique Italian Pasta and Pizza Concept - Franchiseable?
Cook County, IL
This Italian restaurant with its very unique menu offerings is focused on serving...
High-Volume Well-Established Pizza Place South Suburb - Over 17 Years!
Cook County, IL
Specializes in hand-crafted authentic Italian-style thin and deep-dish pizzas using the...
Longtime Local Favorite Pizza Place Des Plaines, IL - Turnkey!
Des Plaines, IL
Offering a variety of outstanding Chicago-style pizzas including extra thin, thin, pan...
Fully-Equipped Italian Restaurant/Pizzeria w/Property - River Grove,IL
River Grove, IL
Featuring a menu of fresh, seasonal rustic Italian cuisine and amazing pizza with an...
Well Known and Long Establishes Pizza Restaurant with ~1 Acre Property
Alsip, IL
This property of almost 1 acre, houses a Well Known and Highly Respected Pizza...
Fast Casual, Bronzeville Restaurant BUSINESS FOR SALE
Chicago, IL
1000 SF second generation restaurant, located on E Pershing Rd, just east of Martin...
JOE'S ITALIAN VILLA Very Successful Business Established for 70+ years
Cook County, IL
***HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL Business Well Known Business - Joe's Italian Villa. Established for...
Papa Murphy's
Available in Illinois
We are the largest Take 'N' Bake Pizza franchise, offering simple operations and award...
High-Volume Well-Established Pizza Place South Suburb - Over 17 Years!
Cook County, IL
Specializes in hand-crafted authentic Italian-style thin and deep-dish pizzas using the...
Longtime Local Favorite Pizza Place Des Plaines, IL - Turnkey!
Des Plaines, IL
Offering a variety of outstanding Chicago-style pizzas including extra thin, thin, pan...
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