B2B wholesale flooring distribution firm located in Metro Chicago for
Cook County, IL
The well known wholesale distributor inventories under one roof,a wide range of of the most popular styles,materials,colors, in stock for easy pick up from us, or...
Distributor of OEM & MRO Industrial Parts & Kits
Chicago, IL
The company is a Distributor of OEM & MRO Industrial Parts & Kits. The company's customers are wholesalers located in multi-state geographic area. The...
Online uniforms and custom apparel
Cook County, IL
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY S-749 UNIFORM AND CUSTOM APPAREL COMPANY BASED IN NORTHERN ILLINOIS This multi-million-dollar Company is a leader in uniforms and custom...
Cash Flow: $387,085
Established Wine Distribution Company for Acquisition
Chicago, IL
Well-established wine distribution company facing recent challenges in an evolving market seeks an acquisition partner. This is a unique opportunity for an...
Well-Established Highly-Successful Full-Service Apparel Decorating Co.
Cook County, IL
A highly successful full-service apparel decorating company with a formidable reputation for delivering high-quality screen printing, embroidery, dye sublimation...
Arnold & Bimbo Bread Route, Chicago, IL
Chicago, IL
Arnold & Bimbo Bread Route distributorship for sale in the Chicago, Illinois area for $195,000! Company financing with $48,000 down! Currently grossing an...
Snyder's-Lance Chip Route, Frankfort, IL
Chicago, IL
Snyder’s-Lance Chip route for sale in the Frankfort, Illinois region for $170,500! Third-party related financing may be available with an estimated $66,500 down!...
Bon Appetit Pastry Route, Suburban Chicago, IL
Chicago, IL
Bon Appetit Pastry Route for sale in the Suburban Chicago, Illinois area for $75,000! Currently grossing an estimated 134,201 units per year and nets $46,154! Well...
50 Year Old Import Export and Wholesale Business in Chicago
Cook County, IL
This wholesale business is nestled in a prime storefront within Chicago's Albany Park...
High Income Evergreen Park - Lockport Mission Tortilla Route
Evergreen Park, IL
Price: $95,000 – Weekly Sales: $8,620 This listing is for a high income Mission...
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