Liquor store with strip mall
Kane County, IL
Liquor store for sale . New cooler , everything new. Store doing 80,000 per month . Great opportunity for owner operator to manage and run liquor store. Rental...
Branded gas station
Kane County, IL
Brand new gas station doing 50,000 inside and 50000 gallons and high margins . Repair shop doing 20k per month and 300k revenue annual from mechanic shop. Call...
Vintage candy retail store
Kane County, IL
This retail candy store has a huge following on face book, yelp and more and all 4.7+ ratings. Facebook has 5.7 followers. The hours of operation are daily 11AM...
Branded gas station
Kane County, IL
Branded gas station for sale doing 125,000 gallons and 95,000 inside sale per month . High margins . 6000 extra income per month . No Competition. Call ...
Liquor store for lease
Kane County, IL
Liquor store for sale doing 650,000 per year . Absentee owner . Great location . Wont...
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